See us. Treat us. Study us.
Long Covid Scotland is collaborating with partners and researchers to find solutions for people living with Long Covid.
Read our manifesto to learn who we are, what Long Covid is, and what we need in Scotland. You can also read about our team.
Long Covid Scotland’s work is completed entirely by volunteers who are unwell. Please support us by donating online or signing up to Easy Fundraising.
While we await investigation, care and research, peer support and other services can offer comfort and validation to people with Long Covid.
Our Twitter
Our Twitter feed covers the latest Scottish news on Long Covid, as well as campaign updates and details of emerging support and services.
Action Group
Our Facebook action group is where people living with Long Covid can get involved in campaigns, share your views, and participant in focus groups.
We’re keen to collaborate with new partners to design research and services, as well as journalists and writers. Get in touch using our web form.