How to write a Long Covid Impact statement - and why you need one. 

Repeating yourself is exhausting, especially if you have brain fog or are pacing your energy. Having an impact statement, printed or saved on your phone, will help you bring people up to speed.

What is an Impact Statement? 

An Impact Statement is a short document that explains your medical history, long covid symptoms, and the impact on your daily life and abilities so you can easily share it with new people to get them up to speed. It’s a bit like a ‘CV’ of your Long Covid. 

The purpose of an Impact Statement is to provide a clear and concise overview of the impact of your condition on your daily functioning without you having to remember it all, or go through it repeatedly. This can be extremely useful in various contexts, such as medical consultations, Human Resources, support workers and even with friends, family and carers.

Any new situation where you need to explain Long Covid, You can quickly and consistently bring people up to speed without using up precious energy. 

What to put in your impact statement 

We've created a breakdown of what we advise you should include in your impact statement. It's your statement, so make it as long or as short as you need. If you want some help getting started, we outline some questions at the end of this article. You will have a strong and comprehensive statement if you answer those questions. 


This section should include your name, age, and a brief medical history, including the date of the initial Covid-19 infection and the onset of Long Covid symptoms.


This part should detail the symptoms you are experiencing, their severity, and their frequency. It's important to include both physical symptoms (like fatigue, breathlessness, or pain) and mental symptoms (like brain fog, anxiety, or depression).

Impact on Daily Life: 

This section should describe how the symptoms affect your ability to perform daily tasks, work, socialise, and other aspects of your life. It should be as specific as possible, detailing any necessary modifications or accommodations and the support you need. Say what you can do, as well as what you can't. 

Medical Care and Support: 

This part should outline your current medical care, including any medications, therapies, or other interventions. It should also mention any support services you are using or may need in the future. Mention both NHS and any private therapies or supplements you pay for.


This section can summarise the key points and express your hopes or goals for your future health management. 

How to use your impact statement 

Once you have your statement, you can share it any time you need to bring someone up to speed - a new Doctor, attending a new appointment, an HR person or colleague, when meeting a journalist or politician to campaign - or even family as a reminder. 

You could keep some copies printed out, keep it on your computer or tablet to send in emails or keep a copy on your phone so you can message it - or just show to someone to read. 

A woman sits at a desk in front of a computer, tired, rubbing her eyes. The headline reads “Tired of repeating yourself about long covid?”

Answer these questions to build your impact Statement: 

This framework is a suggestion you can use. Tailor it to what you are comfortable with sharing in the situations you need to. We hope this will be useful and save you time and energy. 

This might be a lot to go through in one go. If you cut and paste these into a word of google document, you can take your time to answer them. Remember this is your statement so it can be a live document that you amend and add to as things change or occur to you. 


  • What is your name and age?

  • When did you first contract the Covid-19 infection?

  • When did you start experiencing Long Covid symptoms?


  • What symptoms are you experiencing related to Long Covid?

  • How severe would you rate these symptoms?

  • How frequently do these symptoms occur?

  • Are there any specific triggers that worsen these symptoms?


  • How have these symptoms affected your ability to perform daily tasks?

  • What impact have these symptoms had on your work or professional life?

  • How have these symptoms affected your social interactions and relationships?

  • What modifications or accommodations have you made due to these symptoms?

  • What kind of support do you need to manage these symptoms?


  • What medical care are you currently receiving for Long Covid?

  • Have you been referred to a Long Covid Clinic or team 

  • (if yes - when)

  • What medications, therapies, or other interventions are you currently using?

  • Are you using any support services currently?

  • Are there any additional support services you anticipate needing in the future?

  • Have you paid for any treatments (e.g. Hyperbaric Oxygen, Supplements, Acupuncture or other treatments) 


  • What are the key points you want to emphasise about your experience with Long Covid?

  • What are your hopes or goals for managing your health in the future?


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