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Four Powerful Things Happen When You Volunteer for A Charity

There’s more to volunteering than you might think - even if you only do a little, you can achieve a lot and get four surprising benefits.

Volunteering with a charity is about helping others, but did you know it also offers numerous personal benefits, making it a fulfilling and rewarding experience?

On the fence or wondering if it's for you? Here's four reasons to consider:

  • Life Satisfaction: Helping others has been shown to increase your overall happiness and life satisfaction.

  • Skill Development: Gain new skills or enhance existing ones, which can benefit your personal and professional life.

  • Social Connections: Meet new people, get moral support, build friendships, and expand your network.

  • Mental Health Benefits: Volunteering can reduce stress, combat depression, and provide a sense of purpose.

Why Do People Volunteer for Long Covid Scotland?

Our volunteers either have Long Covid or have someone close in their life who is living with Long Covid. These are some of the most common reasons shared by the volunteer team at Long Covid Scotland:

  • Frustration: Feeling frustrated that not enough is being done and choosing to be part of the solution.

  • Giving Back: A desire to help your community and support a cause close to your heart.

  • Personal Growth: Learning new skills or gaining experience in a different field.

  • Professional Development: Enhancing your CV and gaining valuable work experience - or sharing your existing skills.

What if I’m Fatigued?

If you are living with Long Covid, you may find it challenging to engage in tasks, volunteer activities, or employment at the same level or pace as before. Our volunteer team is supportive and understanding of fluctuating symptoms, providing a flexible environment where you can contribute as much or as little as you can. Volunteering with Long Covid Scotland allows you to maintain your skills, utilise your previous experience, and be part of a community that values your contribution and understands your situation.

What Do Long Covid Scotland Volunteers Do?

All sorts of things! Volunteering at Long Covid Scotland can take many forms, from designing social media posts, proofreading letters before they get sent to politicians, attending events, suggesting fundraising ideas or contributing to our committees. Here are some examples to give you an idea -

  • Creating Website, Blog, Vlog and Social Media Content

  • Administrative Tasks that keep the charity going

  • Sharing Petitions

  • Protesting and Petitioning Parliament

  • Raising Awareness

  • Fundraising

You probably have other skills we need that we've not even listed!

This Is Your Chance to Make a Difference.

We're not going to ask you for a big commitment. Most of our volunteers are impacted by Long Covid Fatigue - we get it! But we also know that many people affected by Long Covid, from patients to carers and NHS staff, want to help and have valuable skills and enthusiasm to share.

We're building a team of volunteers where many people can do a little, which will achieve a lot.

Interested in Finding Out More?

Sign up now on our Contact Us page, and we'll give you more information about volunteering.

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